Leadership and Team Synergy

Our introductory one-day course is a dive into the engaging and wild world of experiential team leadership training. Rather than learn from a lecture, Powerpoint or workbook, trainees “learn by doing” through full engagement in the problem-solving process.

The challenges presented are progressive in nature and become more complex and nuanced as the team evolves and becomes more sophisticated in their approach. Synergy Tahoe follows an Action/Reflection cycle where participants work their way through a given challenge which is immediately followed by a powerfully honest and detailed debrief, looking back at the problem solved through the lens of individual Attitudes, Behaviors and Cognitions (ABC’s). These ABCs are then discussed as to their practicality in either helping or hindering the problem-solving process.

As the team evolves over the course of the day, a written historical record is kept of the tools that have been emperically proven to aid the team in moving forward. These leadership tools become strategies and approaches which prove invaluable back in the work arena. We work hard to make sure a parallel is drawn between whatever ABCs are effective during the training and what is possible post-training back in the organization. The day concludes with a personal commitment set of Action Steps each team member is willing to make based on lessons learned and insights gained. Each team member’s efforts are also spotlighted and celebrated in order to better understand the strengths they bring to the team.

The Synergy Tahoe Introduction Course consists of a blend of active, hands-on challenges that engage trainees physically, emotionally and cognitively in a way which helps them work more effectively and productively together. Engagement, intensity, laughter and learning all lead trainees toward positive attitudinal and behavioral changes which result ultimately in a more vibrant, commited and positive team.

I believe so deeply in this process that I sent all five hundred of my management and staff through this training. Impactful and revolutionary, it has improved communication and teamwork immensely. We are a better company for it!

– Lex Adams, Resorts West